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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 38, Issue 4, pp. 1035-1370

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Remarks on the Blowup for the $L^2$-Critical Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

Taoufik Hmidi and Sahbi Keraani

pp. 1035-1047

Homogenization and Field Concentrations in Heterogeneous Media

Robert Lipton

pp. 1048-1059

On the Semirelativistic Hartree-Type Equation

Yonggeun Cho and Tohru Ozawa

pp. 1060-1074

A Solidification Phenomenon in Random Packings

L. Bowen, R. Lyons, C. Radin, and P. Winkler

pp. 1075-1089

Time Periodic Solutions for the Nonlinear Wave Equation with Long Minimal Period

Luca Biasco and Laura Di Gregorio

pp. 1090-1125

On the Global Existence of Weak Solutions for the Navier–Stokes Equations of Compressible Fluid Flows

Mikhail Perepelitsa

pp. 1126-1153

On a Hele–Shaw Type Domain Evolution with Convected Surface Energy Density: The Third-Order Problem

Matthias Günther and Georg Prokert

pp. 1154-1185

Low Mach Number Flows and Combustion

Thomas Alazard

pp. 1186-1213

Gradient Flows as a Selection Procedure for Equilibria of Nonconvex Energies

Christoph Ortner

pp. 1214-1234

Unique Solvability of a System of Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs Arising in Solid State Physics

X. Blanc

pp. 1235-1248

An Asymptotic Formula for the Displacement Field in the Presence of Thin Elastic Inhomogeneities

Elena Beretta and Elisa Francini

pp. 1249-1261

Rigorous Upscaling of the Reactive Flow through a Pore, under Dominant Peclet and Damkohler Numbers

Andro Mikelic, Vincent Devigne, and C. J. van Duijn

pp. 1262-1287

The Keller–Segel Model for Chemotaxis with Prevention of Overcrowding: Linear vs. Nonlinear Diffusion

Martin Burger, Marco Di Francesco, and Yasmin Dolak-Struss

pp. 1288-1315

Uniqueness, Renormalization, and Smooth Approximations for Linear Transport Equations

François Bouchut and Gianluca Crippa

pp. 1316-1328

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Thin Dielectric Planar Structures

Habib Ammari, Hyeonbae Kang, and Fadil Santosa

pp. 1329-1342

On Transonic Shocks in Two-Dimensional Variable-Area Ducts for Steady Euler System

Hairong Yuan

pp. 1343-1370